May 31, 2023

Telemonitoring in the Heart of Berlin - Dr. Thanabalasingam

Dr. Thanabalasingam in Berlin is an example of how our solutions can be implemented in a regionally operating telemedicine center (TMZ).

Oliver Weiss
CEO & Co-Founder
May 31, 2023

Dr. Thanabalasingam in Berlin is an example of how our solutions can be implemented in a regionally operating telemedicine center (TMZ). Located in the heart of Berlin Kreuzberg, it has become a central point of contact for cardiovascular diseases over time. Since this year, Dr. Thanabalasingam has been using Noah Labs Ark and is increasingly providing remote monitoring to his patients. Patients of general practitioners in the vicinity are also being provided with telemonitoring through the Thanabalasingam practice.

By employing a heart failure nurse who performs telemonitoring regularly, Dr. Thanabalasingam can ensure close care for up to 90 patients. He can be consulted as needed, allowing him to better meet the needs of his patients. Through extrabudgetary reimbursement according to the EBM catalog and the optimization of clinic workflows, Dr. Thanabalasingam has not only improved the care of his patients but also run his own practice more efficiently.

“The greatest advantage is the improved care for patients. With telemonitoring, we can react faster with more targeted interventions. This leads to better treatment outcomes and fewer emergencies. At the same time, telemonitoring is also advantageous for clinic organization as it reduces the need for in-person appointments.”

Dr. Thanabalasingam

Cardiology Practice Berlin

Interview with Dr. Thanabalasingam

How has telemonitoring affected your work and your patients?

Telemonitoring has made my and Hanife's (heart failure nurse) work easier while improving the care of my patients. Previously, I had to regularly summon heart failure patients to the clinic to assess their condition. Thanks to telemonitoring, we can now continuously monitor their readings and react quickly when necessary. This provides patients with more security, and I can use my time to attend to patients in the clinic.

How did your colleagues respond to telemonitoring?

Initially, colleagues were skeptical, but after seeing how well telemonitoring functions, they have become more convinced. Some have even started integrating telemonitoring into their own clinic workflows.

What advantages do you see compared to traditional clinic workflows?

The greatest advantage is the improved care for patients. Telemonitoring allows us to react faster and intervene more specifically, resulting in better treatment outcomes and fewer emergencies. At the same time, telemonitoring is also advantageous for clinic organization as it reduces the need for in-person appointments, relieving the burden on the clinic.

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