Enable your patients to receive safe and guideline-compliant care and receive reimbursement for performing telemonitoring of patients with cardiovascular diseases.
Enable your patients to receive safe and guideline-compliant care and receive reimbursement for performing telemonitoring of patients with cardiovascular diseases.
Telemonitoring for patients with heart failure is on everyone's lips because of the new reimbursement possibilities but the technology behind it is capable of so much more.
With Noah Labs Ark, you can expand your range of services and increase the efficiency of your practice.
External devices such as smartwatches, blood pressure cuffs, and scales enable doctors to remotely monitor their patients and to perform continuous monitoring of their patients' health parameters. These innovative technologies combined with expert analytics provide an effective way to track the progression of the disease and to respond to changes as early as possible. The readings are wirelessly transmitted to Noah Labs Ark, enabling doctors to analyze the data and identify any changes.
Telemonitoring of individuals with high blood pressure using a smart blood pressure cuff offers significant benefits for both the patient and the doctor, particularly for remote medication adjustment. By regularly measuring blood pressure at home, the patient allows their doctor to closely track blood pressure trends and adjust the medication accordingly without the patient needing to visit the doctor's office in person every time. Additionally, telemonitoring enables closer collaboration between the doctor and the patient as the doctor can provide support and advice remotely.
Telemonitoring of patients with cardiac rhythm disorders using a smartwatch enables effective detection of atrial fibrillation and monitoring of treatment outcomes following an ablation procedure. The smartwatch continuously records the heart rhythm and analyzes the data to identify potential irregularities. This allows for timely diagnosis and treatment to prevent possible complications.
Noah Labs Ark is a class IIa medical device in accordance with the EU Medical Device Regulation (MDR).
Telemonitoring for patients with heart failure is on everyone's lips because of the new reimbursement possibilities but the technology behind it is capable of so much more.
With Noah Labs Ark, you can expand your range of services and increase the efficiency of your practice.
Das Telemonitoring von Menschen mit Bluthochdruck mithilfe einer smarten Blutdruckmanschette bietet sowohl für den Patienten als auch für den Arzt bedeutende Vorteile, insbesondere in Bezug auf die Medikationseinstellung aus der Ferne. Durch regelmäßige Blutdruckmessungen zu Hause kann der Arzt den Verlauf des Blutdrucks genau verfolgen und die Medikation entsprechend anpassen, ohne dass der Patient jedes Mal persönlich in die Arztpraxis kommen muss. Zudem ermöglicht das Telemonitoring eine engere Zusammenarbeit zwischen Arzt und Patient, da der Arzt den Patienten auch aus der Ferne unterstützen und beraten kann.
Das Telemonitoring von Patienten mit Herzrhythmusstörungen mithilfe einer Smartwatch ermöglicht eine effektive Erkennung von Vorhofflimmern sowie eine Überwachung des Behandlungsergebnisses nach einer erfolgten Ablation. Die Smartwatch zeichnet kontinuierlich den Herzrhythmus auf und analysiert die Daten, um potenzielle Unregelmäßigkeiten zu erkennen. Dies ermöglicht eine zeitnahe Diagnose und Behandlung, um mögliche Komplikationen zu vermeiden.
With Noah Labs Ark, you can start telemonitoring almost immediately. Additionally, our software is designed to be intuitive, allowing your practice team to handle the majority of daily tasks.
To set up your telemonitoring activities you require the specialist designation of 'Internal Medicine and Cardiology.' In addition, evidence must be provided to meet the technical equipment requirements according to §5 of the Quality Assurance Agreement for Telemonitoring in Heart Failure. Furthermore, the external measurement devices used must have CE marking and, if applicable, approval as medical devices. The devices must allow for daily, complete data transmission, data retrieval by the physician, and automated patient-specific analysis, including warning notifications.
Note: The above mentioned prerequisites apply in Germany.
Noah Labs operates according to the internationally recognized HL7/FHIR standard and allows for gradual integration into existing practice and clinic information systems. Simply contact us to get details about your used PVS or KIS.
The patient must have heart failure in NYHA class II or III with an ejection fraction below 40%. Additionally, they must either have an implanted cardiac device or have received inpatient treatment due to cardiac decompensation in the last 12 months. The heart failure must be treated according to guidelines, and there should be no barriers or risks to the transmission of monitoring data or patient self-management.
Note: The above mentioned criteria apply in Germany.
Reimbursement for telemonitoring of heart failure patients with external devices amounts to up to €1,356.24 per year per patient.
Note: The above mentioned reimbursement is available in Germany.
Noah Labs leads in the analysis and interpretation of health data. We're developing an analytics engine that detects changes early and significantly reduces the number of false-positive notifications.
We help doctors allocate their resources where they are most needed. That's why we are there for you in every phase of the Connected-Care process. Whether it's providing measurement devices for patients or solving technical issues - you can rely on us!
"In addition to the significant improvement in patient care, a clear legal framework and the possibility of future expansion to other disease patterns were decisive factors for us. Due to the intelligent evaluation of health data and ease of use, we were able to easily integrate Noah Labs Ark into our everyday practice routine without having to hire additional staff."
Dres. Spengler Practice
"My husband is in a wheelchair and a visit to the cardiologist always involves a lot of effort and stress. Thanks to Noah Labs, we feel well taken care of even from a distance and are finally no longer permanently in the dark about the health of his heart."
"In the first quarter, we identified about 100 of 180 heart failure patients who benefit from telemonitoring. Since launch, we've been enrolling 3-5 patients a week. Noah Labs handles provision of the devices as well as the onboarding at the patient's site. The improved data allows for more targeted care and increases the efficiency of our practice."
Cardiology Practice Berlin
“Neben der erheblichen Verbesserung der Patientenversorgung waren für uns ein klares rechtliches Rahmenwerk und die Möglichkeit zur zukünftigen Ausweitung auf weitere Krankheitsbilder entscheidende Faktoren. Durch die intelligente Auswertung der Gesundheitsdaten und einfache Handhabung konnten wir Noah Labs Ark ganz einfach in unseren Praxisalltag integrieren, ohne zusätzliches Personal einstellen zu müssen.”
Praxis Dres. Spengler
“Im ersten Quartal identifizierten wir etwa 100 von 180 Herzinsuffizienzpatienten, die vom Telemonitoring profitieren. Seit dem Start nehmen wir wöchentlich 3-5 Patienten auf. Noah Labs kümmert sich um Bereitstellung der Geräte sowie das Einrichten beim Patienten. Die bessere Datenlage ermöglicht gezieltere Betreuung und steigert die Effizienz unserer Praxis.”
Cardiology Practice Berlin
“Mein Mann sitzt im Rollstuhl und ein Besuch beim Kardiologen ist immer mit viel Anstrengung und Stress verbunden. Dank Noah Labs fühlen wir uns auch aus der Ferne bestens versorgt und sind endlich nicht mehr permanent im Ungewissen darüber, wie es um die Gesundheit seindes Herzens bestellt ist.”
"After my heart attack, I was diagnosed with heart failure. Since then I have been very insecure and constantly afraid that something could happen. Since I've been using Noah Labs, I've been able to participate in my family's daily life again without any restrictions and have my health under control. I also constantly receive compliments on my fancy watch that now monitors my heart."
According to EBM, cardiologists and specialists in internal medicine can bill a remuneration of up to €1,356.24 / year per patient for telemonitoring with external devices. The services consist of the GOP numbers for the device flat rate, the acquisition/analysis/viewing of the data, the intensified monitoring and the patient education.
Note: The above mentioned reimbursement is available in Germany.
Our goal is that small practices may operate our software without additional staff. Therefore, you can clearly define absences with us. If you can't or don't want to, our network of trained heart failure nurses takes over the triage of the data.
This can be done directly in the software. With a few clicks and medical history questions, the patient is set up in our system. You can select equipment and we will contact the patient to make sure the launch goes smoothly.
Everyone does what they do best: As a practice, you view remote patient data in the software and decide on the medical follow-up. You also enroll patients into the software yourself.
Note: Noah Labs takes care of all logistics, shipping and contacts patients so that patient data can be reliably viewed after the start date.
The response obligation after receiving a warning is 48 hours according to the GBA. If a threshold value has been exceeded, this can be viewed directly in the software and edited with a few clicks.
Note: Threshold values such as "Absolute threshold value for systolic blood pressure above 150" can be set individually or as a template for several patients.
Note: The above mentioned requirement applies in Germany.
Die Reaktionspflicht nach Eingang einer Warnmeldung beträgt 48 Stunden nach GBA-Beschluss. Sollte ein Schwellwert überschritten worden sein, ist diese in der Software direkt einzusehen und mit ein paar Klicks zu bearbeiten.
Tipp: Schwellwerte wie z.B. “Absoluter Schwellenwert für systolischen Blutdruck über 150” können individuell oder als Vorlage für mehrere Patienten eingestellt werden.