The Connected Care platform for

Enable your patients to receive safe and guideline-compliant care, laying the foundation for comprehensive management of cardiovascular diseases.

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Möglicher zusätzlicher Verdienst
*Aktuell wird Telemonitoring für Allgemeinmediziner nicht von den Krankenkassen übernommen und muss mit den Patienten als IGeL abgerechnet werden.

The Connected Care platform for

Enable your patients to receive safe and guideline-compliant care, laying the foundation for comprehensive management of cardiovascular diseases.

Anzahl der HFrEF Patienten
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Möglicher zusätzlicher Verdienst
*Aktuell wird Telemonitoring für Allgemeinmediziner nicht von den Krankenkassen übernommen und muss mit den Patienten als IGeL abgerechnet werden.

Ease of use

Try Noah Labs Ark now for free and let your practice staff handle 80% of the day-to-day tasks.


At Noah Labs, research is being conducted with AI to create an extremely reliable data foundation in the future through external sensors, thereby reducing false alarms.


With Noah Labs, you don't have to worry about being available 24/7. Your availability is clearly defined.

Versatile in its applications.

With the new reimbursement possibilities, telemonitoring for patients with heart failure is on everyone's lips, but the technology behind it is capable of much more.

With Noah Labs Ark, you can expand your range of services and increase the efficiency of your practice.


Telemonitoring for heart failure


Telemonitoring for hypertension


Telemonitoring for arrhythmias

Noah Labs Ark is a class IIa medical device in accordance with the EU Medical Device Regulation (MDR).

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Versatile in its applications.

With the new reimbursement possibilities, telemonitoring for patients with heart failure is on everyone's lips, but the technology behind it is capable of much more.

With Noah Labs Ark, you can expand your range of services and increase the efficiency of your practice.


Telemonitoring for heart failure.


Telemonitoring for hypertension


Telemonitoring for arrhythmias

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Ready for use in no time.

With Noah Labs Ark, you can start telemonitoring almost immediately. Additionally, our software is designed to be intuitive, allowing your practice team to handle the majority of daily tasks.

How can I bill for telemonitoring?

Currently, telemonitoring is reimbursed nationwide for cardiologists with a billing authorization. For general practitioners and primary care physicians, there are no EBM (German Uniform Evaluation Standard) codes available yet. Therefore, billing is currently only possible within the scope of selective contracts or as part of individual health services (IGeL).

What does telemonitoring mean for my practice?

Depending on the number of patients included, the total effort amounts to approximately 10-15 minutes per day. The Noah Labs team takes care of all devices and technical aspects, allowing you to focus on treating your patients.

For which medical conditions can I use Noah Labs Ark?

Noah Labs Ark is suitable for remote monitoring of cardiovascular diseases. Currently, the software is primarily used in the monitoring and management of patients with heart failure, hypertension, or atrial fibrillation.

Can the task be delegated to medical assistants?

Yes, you can easily delegate the telemonitoring tasks to medical assistants in your practice or medical center. However, if there are any uncertainties regarding a patient, we recommend involving a physician.

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Research powered by artificial intelligence.

Noah Labs is a leader in the analysis and interpretation of health data. We are developing an analytics engine that uses artificial intelligence to detect changes in health conditions early on, significantly reducing the number of false positive notifications.

Decompensation in heart failure
Quelle 1

The Connected-Care all-inclusive package.

We support doctors in allocating their resources where they are most needed. That's why we are here for you at every stage of the Connected-Care process. Whether it's providing measurement devices for patients or resolving technical issues, you can count on us!

Leading specialists rely on Noah Labs...

"We were able to easily integrate Noah Labs Ark into our daily practice routine."

"In addition to significantly improving patient care, a clear legal framework and the potential for future expansion to other medical conditions were crucial factors for us. With the intelligent analysis of health data and ease of use, we were able to seamlessly integrate Noah Labs Ark into our daily practice routine without the need to hire additional staff."

Dr. Spengler

General Pracitioner - Dres. Spengler

"Thanks to Noah Labs, we feel well taken care of even from a distance."

"My husband is wheelchair-bound, and visiting the cardiologist always involves a lot of effort and stress. Thanks to Noah Labs, we feel well taken care of even from a distance, and we are no longer constantly in the dark about the state of his heart health."

Gisela Mehring, 72

 "A real relief for our patients and us."

"In the first quarter, we identified approximately 100 out of 180 heart failure patients who benefited from telemonitoring. Since the launch, we have been onboarding 3-5 patients weekly. Noah Labs takes care of providing the devices and setting them up for the patients. The improved data availability enables more targeted care and enhances the efficiency of our practice."

Dr. Skuras

General Practitioner - Dr. Skuras

"Finally, a truly seamless care experience."

"With Noah Labs Ark, my general practitioner is always up to date on the development of my health and can refer me to a specialist if needed. The data is automatically transmitted from the devices, creating a truly seamless care experience."

Inga Frei, 63

..and achieve better outcomes for their patients.

Leading specialists rely on Noah Labs...

"We were able to easily integrate Noah Labs Ark into our daily practice routine."

“Neben der erheblichen Verbesserung der Patientenversorgung waren für uns ein klares rechtliches Rahmenwerk und die Möglichkeit zur zukünftigen Ausweitung auf weitere Krankheitsbilder entscheidende Faktoren. Durch die intelligente Auswertung der Gesundheitsdaten und einfache Handhabung konnten wir Noah Labs Ark ganz einfach in unseren Praxisalltag integrieren, ohne zusätzliches Personal einstellen zu müssen.”

Dr. Spengler

Praxis Dres. Spengler

 "A real relief for our patients and us."

“Im ersten Quartal identifizierten wir etwa 100 von 180 Herzinsuffizienzpatienten, die vom Telemonitoring profitieren. Seit dem Start nehmen wir wöchentlich 3-5 Patienten auf. Noah Labs kümmert sich um Bereitstellung der Geräte sowie das Einrichten beim Patienten. Die bessere Datenlage ermöglicht gezieltere Betreuung und steigert die Effizienz unserer Praxis.”

Dr. Skuras

General Practitioner - Dr. Skuras

"Thanks to Noah Labs, we feel well taken care of even from a distance."

“Mein Mann sitzt im Rollstuhl und ein Besuch beim Kardiologen ist immer mit viel Anstrengung und Stress verbunden. Dank Noah Labs fühlen wir uns auch aus der Ferne bestens versorgt und sind endlich nicht mehr permanent im Ungewissen darüber, wie es um die Gesundheit seindes Herzens bestellt ist.”

Gisela Mehring, 72

"Finally, a truly seamless care experience."

"With Noah Labs Ark, my general practitioner is always up to date on the development of my health and can refer me to a specialist if needed. The data is automatically transmitted from the devices, creating a truly seamless care experience."

Inga Frei, 63

..and achieve better outcomes for their patients.

Signs of
atrial fibrillation

7 days

until hospital admission
due to cardiac decompensation

If you have been wondering...


How often should I review the measurement values in the software?

Noah Labs will notify you if threshold values are exceeded. Therefore, you only need to review the measurement values that fall outside the defined range. We recommend checking the system approximately every other day.


Is there any training available for using the software?

Noah Labs provides personal training for you and your practice staff on how to use the Noah Labs Ark software. Additionally, we provide a comprehensive user manual for your reference. Our technical support is also available to assist you at any time.


Who makes sure that the measuring devices work?

Noah Labs takes care of all measuring devices and organizes the replacement of hardware if needed. Our support team is available at any time to assist you and all patients with any technical questions or concerns.


Is the Noah Labs software integrated with my practice software?

Noah Labs operates according to the internationally recognized HL7/FHIR standard and allows for gradual integration into existing practice information systems. Simply reach out to us to get details about the practice management software you are using.


Is Noah Labs software compliant with the GDPR?

Noah Labs operates according to the latest data protection standards. Our servers are located exclusively in Germany and we make a database separation of patient master data and health data. As a rule, we process personal data on the legal basis of consent (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a) DSGVO).


Wie schreibe ich Patienten für das Telemonitoring mit Noah Labs Ark ein ?" / Wer trägt die Patienten in die Software ein?

Innerhalb von Noah Labs Ark können Sie neue Patientinnen mit wenigen Klicks in das Telemonitoring aufnehmen. Anschließend kümmert sich Noah Labs um die Zustellung der Messgeräte und das Onboarding der Patienten.

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